<> = Getting SVNKit sources = Get the [[SVNKit]] source code with the svn command line client {{{ $ svn co http://svn.svnkit.com/repos/svnkit/trunk svnkit }}} Or (to check out specific version): {{{ $ svn co http://svn.svnkit.com/repos/svnkit/tags/TAG_NAME svnkit }}} Go to the checked out directory {{{ $ cd svnkit }}} = Building SVNKit binaries = Depending on how you are going to use [[SVNKit]] follow one of the how-to sections listed below. == Building a standalone SVNKit version == Use [[http://ant.apache.org|Ant]] to build [[SVNKit]] binaries: {{{ $ ant deploy }}} {{{svnkit/build/lib}}} directory will contain a library jar file ('''svnkit.jar''') and the Ganymed library jar ('''ganymed.jar''') that is needed if you are going to use svn+ssh connection protocol. == Building SVNKit as an extension plugin for Eclipse == Set an {{{ECLIPSE_HOME}}} environment variable (should point to [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse]] 3.2.2 (or newer) home directory) {{{ $ set ECLIPSE_HOME=/home/user/java/eclipse322 }}} Use [[http://ant.apache.org|Ant]] to build [[SVNKit]] binaries: {{{ $ ant deploy }}} {{{svnkit/build/eclipse}}} directory will contain [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse]] [[SVNKit]] plugin, feature and update site files. To make [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse]] use the plugin you've just built, copy all files from {{{svnkit/build/eclipse/plugins}}} and {{{svnkit/build/eclipse/features}}} to corresponding [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse]] directories and restart [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse]]: {{{ $ eclipse -clean }}} Or use "Local Update Site" at {{{svnkit/build/eclipse/site}}} directory to install an [[SVNKit]] extension plugin for [[http://subclipse.tigris.org|Subclipse]]. === Using Subclipse with the SVNKit library === Since version 0.9.33 [[http://subclipse.tigris.org|Subclipse]] already comes with [[SVNKit]] embedded. All you need is to select [[SVNKit]] on the SVN preference page (in [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse]] Window menu -> Preferences -> Team). If using a version earlier than 0.9.33 you still need to perform the following steps with [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse]] Update Manager (tested with Eclipse 3.1M6, WinXP): * Add {{{http://svnkit.com/}}} as an update site to [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse]] Update Manager. * Use Help | Software Updates | Find and Install in main menu. * Install "SVNKit Subclipse Extension" feature. If you'd like to make Subclipse use the version of [[SVNKit]] you've build, then first follow instructions above (building [[SVNKit]] for Eclipse) and then replace existing svnkit.jar in org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core plugin with the one you've built. After that restart Eclipse with -clean option: {{{ $ eclipse -clean }}}