Getting SVNKit sources

Get the SVNKit source code with the svn command line client

$ svn co svnkit

Or (to check out specific version):

$ svn co svnkit

Go to the checked out directory

$ cd svnkit

Building SVNKit binaries

Depending on how you are going to use SVNKit follow one of the how-to sections listed below.

Building a standalone SVNKit version

Use Ant to build SVNKit binaries:

$ ant deploy

svnkit/build/lib directory will contain a library jar file (svnkit.jar) and the Ganymed library jar (ganymed.jar) that is needed if you are going to use svn+ssh connection protocol.

Building SVNKit as an extension plugin for Eclipse

Set an ECLIPSE_HOME environment variable (should point to Eclipse 3.2.2 (or newer) home directory)

$ set ECLIPSE_HOME=/home/user/java/eclipse322

Use Ant to build SVNKit binaries:

$ ant deploy

svnkit/build/eclipse directory will contain Eclipse SVNKit plugin, feature and update site files.

To make Eclipse use the plugin you've just built, copy all files from svnkit/build/eclipse/plugins and svnkit/build/eclipse/features to corresponding Eclipse directories and restart Eclipse:

$ eclipse -clean

Or use "Local Update Site" at svnkit/build/eclipse/site directory to install an SVNKit extension plugin for Subclipse.

Using Subclipse with the SVNKit library

Since version 0.9.33 Subclipse already comes with SVNKit embedded. All you need is to select SVNKit on the SVN preference page (in Eclipse Window menu -> Preferences -> Team). If using a version earlier than 0.9.33 you still need to perform the following steps with Eclipse Update Manager (tested with Eclipse 3.1M6, WinXP):

If you'd like to make Subclipse use the version of SVNKit you've build, then first follow instructions above (building SVNKit for Eclipse) and then replace existing svnkit.jar in org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core plugin with the one you've built.

After that restart Eclipse with -clean option:

$ eclipse -clean

Building_SVNKit (last edited 2008-02-21 07:00:23 by nat7)